Monday, October 24, 2011

Katakana Analysis Draft

1. loan word, オーレド ボーイ、Old boy, manga (comic book)
The title of the comic book is written in katakana because its title is "old boy," an english word.  Reading it in Katakana, the reader understands that the word is not Japanese.  Reading characters used to for foreign words, he is primed to go into the fantasy of a world unfamiliar to his own.  

2. brand name, ユニコロ, uniqlo, advertisement
-"Uniqlo is a Loan word made up by the company.  It is a contraction of "unique clothing" (
-"ユニコロ" is Aesthetically pleasing and simple.  Every letter is square-like.
Uniqlo prides itself on its simple, high quality clothes.  On the companies website, they describe themselves as "a new-style Japanese firm making good casual clothes available for all to wear....our reputation for high-quality, basic casual wear is growing steadily year by year"(Uniqlo website). The katakana characters, simple yet useful in terms of its catchy name, mimic the company's clothing style.  Seeing this logo, consumers get an over all feel for the style of this company.  

The textbooks may be sure to describe Katakana's proper use to maintain the integrity of its original usage, and the use of Hiragana and Kanji as is properly systematized by the language.  Katakana is used so often in popular culture, even in the US to some extent, like with the UNIQLO signs, that people may mistake it for "Japanese." Teaching the language, the textbooks are sure to explicitly describe their proper purpose.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blog post #4: October Travels

こんげつ、 りょこう たくさん あります。せんしゅう の どよび に かぞくと ひこうき で ロセンゼルス へ いきました。 ひこき で にほんご を べんきょします。 "Readings on zorochrastianism" をよみます。 こんしゅのきょうび に りょうこ を します。 ひこきで Salt Lake まち へ いきます。 やま を みます それから バルミテズヴァ の アサ へ いきます。 まち は ゆうめいです。 まち の やま は かれいな やまです。 とてもおおきい と たかいです。  かそく は とても たのしいです。
にちよび に ひこきで かえります。 

This month, I travel a lot.  On Saturday last week I went to Los Angeles with my family by plane.  I studied Japanese on the plane.  I [also] read "Readings on Zorochrastiansism."  On Friday this week I will travel.  I am going to Salt Lake city by plane. I will look at the mountains and then go to Asa's Barmitzvah. [Asa is my cousin].  [Salt Lake City's] mountains are famous.  The city's mountains are beautiful mountains.  Really big and tall.  My family is very enjoyable. On Sunday I will return home.