Thursday, February 16, 2012

About Communication

  1. What do you expect to learn from this pod-casting project? (List as much as possible.)
    1. How to creatively use the Japanese vocabulary and sentence stuructures we have learned so far.
    2. Practice working with a group
    3. Practice editing footage
    4. Practice planning ahead
    5. Learn (through reasearch) some of the features that define Columbia student life to Japanese Universitiy's (in general) student life.
  2. What does "communication" mean to you
    1. Commnication: getting an idea across, evoking some emotion of feeling, enlightening someone, transferring something from yourself to another person, Clarity, and talking as if you are talking to another person.


  1. I completely agree with your ideas of communication. Emotion is a big part of how someone conveys their own thoughts.

    I also look forward to seeing your podcast!

  2. こんにちは~
    I'm looking forward to filming and editing the video - it's something new that I've always wanted to do. I also agree that evoking emotion and effectively getting an idea across is essential when it comes to communication.
